Essential Oils Pocket Reference 8th Edition - FULL-COLOR (2019)
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A Brief Overview:
Chapter 1: Yesterday’s Wisdom, Tomorrow’s Destiny
- Essential Oils and modern medicine
- A brief history of Essential Oils and the extraction process
- Biblical references
Chapter 2: How Essential Oils Work
- Chemistry behind the Essential Oils
- Standards and testing
- Aromas and their influence
Chapter 3: How to Safely Use Essential Oils
- Guidelines for safe usage of Essential Oils
- Topical applications
- Diffusing Essential Oils
- Other uses for Essential Oils
Chapter 4: Single Oils
- Application codes
Chapter 5: Essential Oil Blends
- Formulating blends
- Essential Oil blends application codes
Chapter 6: Techniques for Essential Oils Application
- Neuro auricular technique
- Lymphatic pump
- Vita flex technique
- Raindrop technique
Chapter 7: Personal Usage
- Developing your program
- Quick usage guide
- Personal usage guide
Appendix A, B, C
- Product usage for body systems
- Single Essential Oil data
- Essential Oil blends data
Product Details:
Pages: 444 (Color)
Chapters: 7 (not including directories or appendices)
Published: 2019
Binding: spiral bound
Size: 6.6” x 6.1” x 1.5” (with spiral binding)
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